“As Profitable Retailers, we …succeed because we test, we fail, we learn, and we improve. We will improve our stores by doing more imperfect tests…” “To be innovative, we must learn to live with less than ideal situations in our tests. If we wait for perfect conditions, we may miss […]
Monthly Archives: June 2007
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the […]
“Motivation: [I]t isn’t possible to talk about renewal without touching on the subject of motivation. Someone defined horse sense as the good judgment horses have that prevents them from betting on people. But we have to bet on people — and I place my bets more often on high motivation […]
“Thinking digital means using technology to look at real data, track interactions with customers, and mine for information to serve people better. It requires thinking clearly and precisely rather than relying on hearsay, habits, and prejudices. “Acting analog means using a personal touch. No revolution ever succeeded without a high […]
“If you don’t think you have any weaknesses, just ask your customers if there are areas you need to improve. They will be happy to tell you. “An asset in today’s strategy can become a liability in tomorrow’s market. An effective marketing plan addresses these changes so the company’s current […]
“[N]o company can succeed today by trying to be all things to all people. It must instead find the unique value that it alone can deliver to a chosen market.” – Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema, in The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow Your Focus, Dominate Your […]
“To spend a few minutes with people is simply not productive… The manager who thinks that he can discuss the plans, direction, and performance of one of his subordinates in fifteen minutes–and many managers believes this–is just deceiving himself.” – Peter Drucker in The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to […]