“De-Glorify Management as a Job Title… “This means a minimum of management and staff jobs. Management and staff groups exist primarily to contribute to people doing the core work. Have staff groups and managers justify their role on the basis of value added to the core work process… let line […]
Monthly Archives: July 2007
“There are too many factors you have to take into account that you have no control over…The most important factor you can keep in your own hands is yourself. I always placed the greatest emphasis on that.” –Eddy Merckx, five-time Tour de France champion (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 and 1974)
“A movie producer…had a boss who used to blow up over the most trivial matters. The producer told a friend that he felt like punching his boss in the nose. The friend counseled, “Think about it this way. He’s not yelling at you, he’s yelling for himself. Next time he […]
“Virtually every one of us was born with a hunger for life itself, with what I call a passion for the promises of life, and that passion can take one to the heights. Unfortunately, in too many of us, it devolves into drive. Entrepreneur Larry Wilson defined the difference between […]
“Vito Corleone had decided to murder Fanucci. By doing so he would have an extra seven hundred dollars in his bankroll. The three hundred dollars he himself would have to pay the Black Hand terrorist and the two hundred dollars from Tessio and the two hundred dollars from Clemenza. If […]
“Of course, [Warren] Buffett isn’t the only person to have realized the power of building his life around his strengths. Whenever you interview people who are truly successful at their chosen profession–from teaching to telemarketing, acting to accounting–you discover that the secret to their success lies in their ability to […]
“Some people have a highly developed fear of failure, and when these people become executives… this need not to fail drives the organization and patterns its strategic planning. …[T]his means not seeting objectives (they may be the wrong ones), not taking risks (risk is a dirty word to people with […]