Your skills and your talents are not the same. Skills may come naturally or they may be acquired with work. Talents may come naturally to the surface or they may need to be cultivated and set loose. Your needs are not the same as your passions. There may be some […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
Tests and Measures Some people are born knowing what they want to do, and even how to do it. The rest of us aren’t so lucky. …What do you want? The majority of us go through life, often very successfully, without ever asking, much less answering, this most basic question. […]
Among your outside advisors, your account is likely to have the greatest impact on the success or failure of your business. — Jacquelyn Lynn in Start Your Own Restaurant (and Five Other Food Businesses) (Entrepreneur Magazine’s Start Ups).
Once you have a picture of how you want your life to be, and you come to the realization that it’s more than just things to have and things to do, once you realize that what you and I really want is to have the room, the openness, to expand, […]
Principle 1 Your customer is your paycheck. Don’t be fooled by the signature at the bottom of your payroll check — the guy who signed the check didn’t put the money there — your customers did. No customers, no money. You should change your customer greeting to “Hi, thanks for […]
[what we first learned in the 80s is that…] Firms that earned superior levels of customer loyalty and retention also earned consistently higher profits–and they grew faster as well….[W]e learned that customer loyalty is inextricably linked to employee and investor loyalty and that major improvements in the one often require […]
A common piece advice in retail: “Differentiate yourself. Then let the market know how you’re different.” That’s good advice, but here’s more: It’s easy to be different. It’s much harder to be distinctive. “Distinctive” means you’re different in a way that gets positive attention. Remember: it’s useless for a retailer […]