Don’t print a testimonial that praises you for something you don’t want to do. One of my clients occasionally works miracles for its customers. When they feel they ought to, my client can pull off a rush job, manage a customer’s disorganized team, and do it all at a rock […]
Monthly Archives: April 2008
“I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn’t just one aspect of the game — it is the game.”– Louis Gerstner, Jr., in Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? Corporate Culture isn’t a new idea any more. But I think that its importance is on the comeback. […]
Everybody likes testimonials. But what are they really for? A testimonial’s number one job is to help you help you sell. A good testimonial shows that your product made somebody else happy: by generating money, saving money, or taking care of some other need that they thought was important. A […]
I’ll confess. I don’t have a system for backing up my files. Sure, I do make backups (offsite and onsite) at least every few months. And when I’m working on a critical document, I make constant backups by sending copies of my files-in-progress to an offsite mailhost. But I could […]