Alien Skin Software is not a normal company. Sure, we like money. Send us as much as you want. But our most important goal is to enjoy our lives. Since we spend way the hell too much time working, we try to find ways to make work fun.– Alien Skin […]
Daily Archives: May 19, 2008
3 posts
Gather enough data and do enough analysis to make a good decision. Then decide. Then act. There are many famed quotes on the theme of “how much is enough”: Lore has it that someone once asked Abraham Lincoln, “How long should a man’s legs be?” and that he answered “Long […]
“See what you can do with real data?” One of my clients’ other advisors said that to my client right after I’d presented some analysis of his marketspace. In the previous year, another marketing consultant had spent a lot of my client’s time (and money) on branding analysis. But he […]