Old story: A medieval traveler, wandering across the country, comes across a huge construction project. Near his path, he sees three stone masons, hard at work with their hammers and chisels. “What are you doing?” asks the traveler. “Breaking stones,” grunts the first. “Making a wall,” says the second. “Building […]
Daily Archives: October 17, 2013
3 posts
“A group of engineers who worked in the nuclear weapons field provide an inspiring example of one innovative way to move toward right livelihood. They had all come to the decision that their work and their spiritual beliefs were out of synch, but, because they all had families to support, […]
“Both the Hindu and Christian traditions stress that all work should be dedicated to God and undertaken to serve others. “Laborare est orare,” say the Benedictine monks, “To work is to pray.”” — Rick Fields, et al., “To Work is to Pray”, in Mindfulness and Meaningful Work, Parallax Press, 1994.