If you haven’t heard of Francis lately, it’s not because General Foods isn’t important. It’s because Francis spoke these words shortly after World War II. In 1952, Time Magazine ran an article on “human resources” which followed the Francis quote by saying, “In that search, at midcentury, lies the finest […]
Leadership and Management
Spiritualist Marianne Williamson is running for Congress in California, hoping to bring more “heart” to the political process as an enlightened lawmaker. Williamson will run as an Independent, saying she doesn’t view incumbent Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) as her “opponent,” since the two are merely pursuing the same position. Hoping to […]
Marianne Williamson — excerpt from congressional campaign announcement: 20 October 2013 …At my Sister Giant Conference in Los Angeles last year, I urged almost two thousand women to consider running for office using the principles of non-violence to birth a new American politics. After experiencing the energy and enthusiasm of […]
For sure, life is more fun with an “attitude of gratitude”. A fine therapist friend of mine tells many of his clients to end each evening by listing three things from the day that they are thankful for. I’m convinced that when I remember to do this, I go to […]
In general, I find that business owners spend many hours a day working on tasks and talking at other people or being talked at. In general, I think that business owners are running a deficit on daily time spent: dreaming (the imagining kind more than the daydreaming kind, though that […]
Old joke: a camel is horse designed by committee.* By coincidence, I had two conversations this week about the perils of letting committees do picking that you should do on your own. In one case, a friend relied on a “committee of friends” to choose a mentor for her, and […]
“Loose Hands Hold More Cookies”. I got this from my high school friend Chapman Godbey, currently a Commander in the US Naval Service. He had offered (via Facebook) to a friend who is new at managing corporate staff. I suspect that Chap is an excellent leader. For more Chap-flavored wisdom, […]