Be tight on goals, loose on methods.* I share this advice frequently with clients who are learning to be good managers and leaders. If you tell your staff exactly how do to their jobs, you stifle your company on every front. Your staff won’t have a reason to think, grow […]
Leadership and Management
I invoiced a new client late Wednesday night via email. “To process at your convenience,” I wrote. On Saturday I found their payment in my PO Box. Wow. With this new client, I can now count four current clients who pay their invoices within ~48 hours of receipt. At least […]
Coincidentally related to my last post, here’s the current mantra of my friend Jen: Discipline is remembering what you want. Discipline is remembering what you want. Discipline is remembering what you want. And, of course, doing what it takes to get what you want.
“Be Quick But Don’t Hurry” — John Wooden’s top advice to his UCLA basketball team that won ten national championships in twelve years. Adds the coach: there is never enough time to be sure (and if you are sure, you’re probably too late), but you must always keep your balance. […]
Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected. – Steve Jobs
In Terry Gilliam’s extraordinary movie, Brazil, protagonist Sam Lowry works in the government’s Information Storage department. Later, he accepts a promotion to the much more prestigious department of Information Retrieval. Businesspeople and citizens deal with information all the time. We have access to more than we could ever digest. Our […]