You run a business but you don’t do math? Uh-oh. Profit’s a-leaking. Math = Money. The Profit Equation for Small Business Owners is the workshop for YOU if you’re a Professional or Small Business Owner who needs to (a) SELL services, (b) PRICE services and products, and/or (c) PAY for things […]
The Entrepreneur
It’s hard to fit spirituality into your workday. You can “make time” for prayer or meditation between meetings and tasks — and this is a good thing. But better yet: stop trying to fit spirituality into your workday. Instead, make your workday part of your spirituality! In this workshop, you’ll […]
Special offer for new clients, good through Feb 12! Click here for details. Professionals and entrepreneurs with attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD): Make your workday more efficient and productive with this special coaching program that integrates your ADD/ADHD management into your business responsibilities and priorities. Individual coaching via weekly phone and/or […]
Do you work with your soul? Does what you do make sense to your head and your heart? And are you happy with direction your career is moving? If your answers are Yes, that’s GREAT! But if not, it’s time to change — to create a career that truly reflects […]
No “yes.” Either “HELL YEAH!” or “no.” Derek Sivers, in Anything You Want Derek Sivers created CDBaby as a hobby then sold it, ten years later, for $22 million. He gave all the money to a trust for music education. Read what he learned along the way in Anything You […]
“First focus, then expand” reminds me of the old adage: “The only place that Success comes before Work is in the dictionary.” You don’t hear that one too often any more. Too old-fashioned and Calvinist even if it’s still true. But Work isn’t the problem for most people I know. […]
Serendipity rarely walks into a noisy room. I mentioned this to a friend some 25 years ago when we were in high school. Coincidentally, he was my first Quaker friend, and the Quakers know something about quiet. Many entrepreneurs get energized by the noise and bustle of each workday. What […]